Thursday, May 10, 2007


Okay, I was tagged by Open Head Space- one of my favorite northern blogs. I know, I know, he is from Quebec.... but it is the Northern part- so it is alright :)

Here are my answers:
10 years ago I was...
Getting ready to write exams to leave high school! I had early acceptance into a UNBC and I was looking for summer employment. I drove my little geo of death and felt invincible.

1 year ago I was...
Celebrating living in Nunavut for one year and trying to get pregnant.

5 snacks I enjoy...
grapefruit, apples, popcorn, gummies, and my homemade caribou mipku

5 songs you know all the lyrics to...
none. I have no brain for this sort of thing. Okay, maybe row, row, row your boat….

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
invest so I would not be poor in 2 years, buy land, travel, build myself a huge garden, and give to a good cause- like Deiss buying a house :)

5 bad habits...
I am addicted to gummies, I leave my socks on the living room floor, I worry about everything, I always send cards and gifts out late, and I tweak out if I don’t get to check the mail everyday.

5 things I like doing...
quading, hunting, fishing, photography, and talking to wee-spawn in my tummy

5 things I will never wear again...
neon, scrunchies, the side ponytail, huge hoop earrings, and cords

5 favorite toys...
Quad, camera, new indoor planter, skidoo, and the jolly jumper that is coming for wee-spawn! I cannot wait to see the kid bouncing away in this thing!!

And as this tagging thing goes I need to tag 5 more people!

So Deiss, Trishy, Nunablog, WayWayUp, and Arctic House.... Give it a try if you have time!


dkc said...

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Trish said...

mine are listed on Deiss's Blog.

Anonymous said...

Took me awhile but I finally got around to responding. Kinda sorta.